The Birth of Melbourne Low Carb Clinic

Poster for MLC Clinics new website and newsletter.

The Birth of Melbourne Low Carb Clinic

On 21 Aug 2022, I woke up to my husband, I said to him, I am not happy with what I am doing in General Practice. I have been a bulk billing GP for the last 16 years. I run 10 minute consultations, which are fast paced, in and out. I also tried out integrative medicine. I quite enjoy longer consultations, getting to know the patient for 30-45 minute consultations.

I started to think how I can change and improve my quality of service. I want to make more impact. I have dived into nutrition and lifestyle in the last 3 years. I did courses from Low Carb Down Under, Nutrition Network and ACNEM. I now want to implement what I have learnt. 
I need to see patients for longer. I want to have more time to talk about nutrition and lifestyle. I want to make a bigger impact to my patients. 

I talked to the principal doctor in my clinic (my boss), whom I have worked for, for 15 years. He is supportive of my venture. He is keen to help me set it all up. He will give me a special room for my clinic and furnish it as I wish. He will provide support with administrative staff, rooms, equipments, advertising, etc. I am now starting booking appointments from 5 Oct 2022, each Wednesdays. Patients can choose to book either 45 minutes or 30 minutes. Telehealth appointments also available Australia wide. Other times are available by negotiation.


I thought it would be good to send my followers regular updates on news of my clinic. I can also gather up recent low carb news of low carb research. You can sign up to my newsletter as you wish.


And my website is finally done!! So thankful for my website designer. This is a more professional looking website. I also have an older website that I have built over many years. You can visit. Gradually, I will move my information from my old website to the new clinic website.

Low Carb Library

Weight loss and nutrition books inside of book shelf.
Weight loss and nutrition books inside of book shelf.

I am gathering books to build up a low carb library. Thanks to many supporters for donating books. Friends and families can drop by, pick up and drop off.

Click here to check out our Low Carb Information Evening event